King Ramses II-great pharaoh of ancient

                               Ramses II, known as Ramses the Great, stands as one of the most celebrated and powerful pharaohs in the rich tapestry of ancient Egyptian history. His enduring significance in ancient Egypt is a testament to his exceptional 66-year reign during the 19th dynasty of the New Kingdom. Ramses II’s remarkable legacy transcends the sands of time, marked by his military conquests, ambitious building projects, and an indomitable spirit that left an indelible mark on the pages of history. In this blog, we delve into the life, achievements, and enduring influence of the great ruler Ramses II, a name that resonates through millennia.



Early Life and Ascension

Ramses II’s early life and his path to the throne are shrouded in the fascinating intrigues of ancient Egypt’s royal lineage. Born around 1303 BC, Ramses II was the son of Seti I and Queen Tuya. His early years were spent amidst the grandeur of the Egyptian court, where he received a comprehensive education in the arts, literature, and the intricacies of statecraft.

His ascent to the throne came about in a manner that was not uncommon for ancient Egyptian royalty. Seti I, his father, had been a formidable pharaoh in his own right. Seti I ruled Egypt for around a decade and was known for his military campaigns and building projects. When he passed away, Ramses II, at a relatively young age, assumed the throne of the Egyptian kingdom.

This transition of power marked the beginning of Ramses II’s impressive reign, one that would span over six decades. It is worth noting that while his succession to the throne was somewhat conventional, Ramses II’s extraordinary leadership and enduring impact on Egypt and the ancient world would set him apart as one of the greatest pharaohs in history.

Achievements and Reign

During his remarkable reign of 66 years, Ramses II achieved a plethora of feats that left an indelible mark on ancient Egypt’s history. His accomplishments spanned military conquests, monumental building projects, and shrewd diplomatic relations, solidifying his legacy as one of Egypt’s greatest pharaohs.

1. Military Conquests:

The Battle of Kadesh: Ramses II’s most famous military campaign was the Battle of Kadesh, fought against the Hittites in 1274 BC. Although it ended in a stalemate, Ramses II’s accounts of the battle, inscribed on temple walls, provide valuable historical insights.

Expansion of Egypt: Ramses II conducted numerous military campaigns to expand the Egyptian empire, including campaigns in Nubia and the Levant. His reign was marked by efforts to secure Egypt’s borders and protect its interests.

2. Building Projects:

Temple of Abu Simbel: One of his most iconic achievements was the construction of the Temple of Abu Simbel. Carved into the rock face, this massive temple complex was dedicated to the gods Amun, Ra-Horakhty, and Ptah and featured colossal statues of Ramses II himself.

The Ramesseum: Ramses II built the Ramesseum, a mortuary temple on the west bank of the Nile in Thebes, which served as a grand memorial for the pharaoh and his reign.

Pi-Ramesses: He founded a city, Pi-Ramesses, which would later become a prominent center during the reign of his successors.

3. Diplomatic Relations:

The First Recorded Peace Treaty: Ramses II is known for his diplomatic prowess, which led to the earliest recorded peace treaty in history, the Treaty of Kadesh, signed with the Hittites after the Battle of Kadesh.

Marriage Alliances: He solidified diplomatic ties by marrying several foreign princesses, including a Hittite princess, to foster alliances and strengthen international relations.



The Battle of Kadesh

The Battle of Kadesh, fought in 1274 BC, stands as one of the most famous and significant military encounters of Ramses II’s reign. It took place in the vicinity of the ancient city of Kadesh, situated in modern-day Syria, and is notable for several reasons.

Context and Opponents: At the time of the Battle of Kadesh, the Hittite Empire and the Egyptian Empire, under Ramses II’s rule, were competing for control of territories in the eastern Mediterranean region. The city of Kadesh was strategically important, and both powers sought to assert dominance in the area.

The Prelude: Ramses II, in pursuit of expanding Egypt’s influence, led a massive campaign into the Levant. He divided his army into four divisions, with one under his direct command. However, the Hittite king, Muwatalli II, was well-informed about Ramses II’s plans and had assembled his own forces near Kadesh.

The Ambush: The battle commenced with Ramses II leading his army, but he fell into a Hittite trap. Muwatalli II had concealed the majority of his troops, leading the Egyptians to believe they were facing a smaller force. In the ensuing battle, Ramses II’s forces faced a sudden Hittite counterattack, resulting in chaos on the Egyptian side.

Ramses II’s Heroic Stand: Despite the initial confusion and peril, Ramses II displayed remarkable valor. Accounts of the battle, notably inscribed on temple walls, describe how he fought fiercely to prevent a complete rout of his forces. His leadership and personal bravery inspired his troops.

Stalemate and Treaty: The Battle of Kadesh ultimately ended in a stalemate. Both sides suffered heavy losses, and neither could decisively claim victory. However, this military confrontation had a significant diplomatic outcome. It led to the signing of the Treaty of Kadesh, the first recorded peace treaty in history. The treaty reestablished diplomatic relations between Egypt and the Hittite Empire, securing peace in the region.

Historical Significance: The Battle of Kadesh, while not a clear-cut military triumph for Ramses II, became a cornerstone of his reign’s historical documentation. The inscriptions on temple walls detailing the battle provide valuable insights into ancient Egyptian military tactics and the grandeur of Ramses II’s reign. It also underscores the importance of diplomacy in maintaining geopolitical stability, as evidenced by the subsequent peace treaty.

The Battle of Kadesh, with its intricate dynamics and lasting impact, is a testament to Ramses II’s resilience and influence on both the military and diplomatic fronts during his rule.



Ramses II was not only a formidable warrior but also a prolific builder, leaving an enduring legacy through monumental construction projects that showcased his grandeur and devotion to the gods. Two of his most iconic projects were the temples at Abu Simbel and the Ramesseum.

1. Temple of Abu Simbel:

Location: Located in the southern part of ancient Egypt, near the border with Nubia (modern-day Sudan), the Temple of Abu Simbel is perhaps the most famous of Ramses II’s architectural marvels.

Dedication: The temple was dedicated to the gods Amun, Ra-Horakhty, and Ptah, as well as to Ramses II himself, who was deified during his lifetime.

Colossal Statues: The most striking feature of the Temple of Abu Simbel is its colossal statues. Four massive seated statues of Ramses II, each standing at approximately 66 feet tall, guard the entrance. These statues are a testament to his might and the might of Egypt.

Interior Chambers: The temple is adorned with intricately decorated interior chambers, including the Hypostyle Hall, which features stunning carvings and paintings that depict various aspects of Ramses II’s reign and his divine status.

2. The Ramesseum:

Location: Situated on the west bank of the Nile in Thebes, the Ramesseum served as Ramses II’s mortuary temple.

Purpose: The temple was constructed to honor Ramses II, preserve his memory, and provide a place for the pharaoh’s cult worship and the offering of rituals to the gods.

Colossal Statue of Ramses II: The Ramesseum is known for a massive fallen statue of Ramses II, which is over 57 feet in length. It is made of red granite and, despite being toppled, it showcases the pharaoh’s grandeur.

Reliefs and Inscriptions: The temple is richly decorated with inscriptions and reliefs that depict scenes from Ramses II’s military campaigns and divine interactions.

These monumental building projects are not only a testament to Ramses II’s architectural vision but also his immense ego and desire for eternal remembrance. They served not only as places of worship but also as symbols of his power and might, leaving an indelible mark on the landscape of ancient Egypt. Today, both the Temple of Abu Simbel and the Ramesseum continue to stand as magnificent monuments to a pharaoh whose legacy is etched in stone.

Family and Personal Life

Ramses II’s family life was as expansive and intricate as his reign. As one of ancient Egypt’s most prominent pharaohs, he maintained a complex network of marriages and family relationships that were both politically strategic and dynastically significant. Here’s a glimpse into his family and personal life.

Wives and Consorts: Ramses II had several wives and consorts, reflecting the political alliances and diplomatic ties he sought to establish. Some of the most notable among them include:

Nefertari: Nefertari was one of Ramses II’s most beloved queens. Their relationship was characterized by deep affection, and she held a special place in his heart. Nefertari is often depicted alongside Ramses II in various inscriptions and monuments.

Isetnofret: Isetnofret was another of Ramses II’s principal wives. She bore him numerous children, including his firstborn son, Amun-her-khepeshef.

Maathorneferure: Maathorneferure was another queen of Ramses II, known for her distinctive name. She was the mother of several of his children.

Bintanath: Bintanath was one of Ramses II’s daughters who held a significant role in the royal court and was married to high-ranking officials.

Children: Ramses II had a substantial number of offspring, many of whom played important roles in Egyptian society. Notable children of Ramses II include:

Amun-her-khepeshef: Ramses II’s firstborn son, Amun-her-khepeshef, was intended to succeed him as pharaoh but predeceased his father.

Meritamen: Meritamen was one of Ramses II’s daughters, often depicted alongside her parents in various inscriptions.

Meryatum: Meryatum, another of Ramses II’s daughters, was married to her father during his lifetime, which was a common practice among Egyptian royalty to reinforce familial connections.

Khaemweset: Ramses II’s fourth son, Khaemweset, was a prolific builder and the High Priest of Ptah. He played a crucial role in preserving Egypt’s historical and architectural heritage.

Ramses II’s family life was intricate, reflecting the complexities of ancient Egyptian royalty. Marriages were often strategic, cementing diplomatic relationships and securing dynastic succession. His devotion to certain queens, like Nefertari, was evident through inscriptions and monuments, while his children held significant positions in the court and priesthood. The family dynamics of Ramses II were intertwined with his leadership and enduring influence on ancient Egypt.



Art and Culture

Ramses II’s impact on art and culture during ancient Egypt’s New Kingdom period was profound. His reign saw a resurgence of artistic and architectural achievements, marked by the proliferation of statues, inscriptions, and monumental structures that celebrated his reign and divine status. Here’s how Ramses II left an indelible mark on art and culture:

1. Colossal Statues:

Ramses II was renowned for the creation of colossal statues in his own image. Some of the most famous examples include the colossal statues at the entrance of the Temple of Abu Simbel, which are around 66 feet tall, and the enormous fallen statue at the Ramesseum, measuring over 57 feet in length. These statues served not only as symbols of his power but also as divine representations of the pharaoh himself.

2. Temple Inscriptions:

Ramses II’s numerous construction projects, including the Temple of Abu Simbel and the Ramesseum, were adorned with intricately carved inscriptions and reliefs. These inscriptions not only chronicled his military victories and diplomatic achievements but also conveyed religious significance, emphasizing the pharaoh’s divine connection.

3. Personalization of Art:

Ramses II was known for personalizing art and inscriptions. He was depicted in various roles, from a powerful military leader to a pious worshiper of the gods. This personalization showcased his multifaceted identity and grandeur.

4. Poetic and Literary Works:

Ramses II’s reign saw a revival of literature and poetry, with his time often referred to as the “Ramsesian Renaissance.” His inscriptions include poetic accounts of his achievements, most notably the inscriptions on the walls of the Abu Simbel temple that describe his Battle of Kadesh.

5. Historical Legacy:

Ramses II’s penchant for monumental art and inscriptions served not only as a celebration of his rule but also as a means to preserve his historical legacy. His monumental structures and texts allowed future generations to remember his remarkable reign and accomplishments.



Ramses II’s influence on art and culture extended beyond his lifetime. The colossal statues and inscriptions dedicated to him became iconic symbols of Egyptian pharaonic power and magnificence. His impact on art and culture during the New Kingdom era remains a testament to his enduring legacy in the annals of Egyptian history.


Ramses II, also known as Ramses the Great, left an enduring legacy that firmly established his place in the annals of Egyptian history as one of its most celebrated and influential pharaohs. His legacy can be examined from several key perspectives:

1. Longevity and Stability:
Ramses II’s reign of 66 years is one of the longest in ancient Egyptian history. This stability allowed for significant achievements and long-lasting policies, which provided continuity in governance and culture.

2. Military Achievements:
While the Battle of Kadesh ended in a stalemate, Ramses II’s military campaigns across the eastern Mediterranean secured Egypt’s borders, defended its interests, and showcased his strength as a leader.

3. Diplomacy and Peace Treaty:
Ramses II’s diplomatic skills were demonstrated through the signing of the Treaty of Kadesh with the Hittites, marking the first recorded peace treaty in history. This treaty ensured peace in the region for many years.

4. Architectural Marvels:
His grand construction projects, such as the temples at Abu Simbel and the Ramesseum, remain iconic symbols of ancient Egyptian architectural prowess. They continue to attract visitors from around the world.

5. Literary and Artistic Revival:
Ramses II’s reign is often referred to as a literary and artistic renaissance, with a resurgence of inscriptions, poetry, and literature that celebrated his rule and achievements.

6. Family and Dynastic Succession:
Ramses II’s family life, with numerous children and marital alliances, secured the continuation of the 19th dynasty, contributing to Egypt’s dynastic stability.

7. Cultural Impact:
His impact on art, culture, and religion had a lasting influence on the course of Egyptian history. He was often depicted as a model of pharaonic power and piety in art and inscriptions.

8. Historical Documentation:
Ramses II’s penchant for monumental inscriptions and records served as invaluable historical documentation, providing insights into his era, including the Battle of Kadesh and diplomatic affairs.

Ramses II’s enduring legacy is not confined to the annals of Egypt alone. He remains a symbol of ancient Egypt’s grandeur and strength, revered not only by his contemporaries but also by historians, archaeologists, and tourists who continue to be captivated by his monumental achievements. Ramses II’s place in Egyptian history is that of a ruler who left an indelible mark through his remarkable reign, military prowess, diplomatic acumen, and profound cultural contributions.

Funerary Practices

Ramses II’s funerary practices and tomb were befitting a pharaoh of his stature, emphasizing his divine status and the importance of the afterlife. His final resting place, like his life, was marked by grandeur and meticulous attention to detail.

1. Tomb Location:
Ramses II’s tomb, known as the KV7 tomb, is located in the Valley of the Kings on the west bank of the Nile near Luxor. This valley served as the burial ground for many Egyptian pharaohs.

2. The Design:
The tomb is adorned with a long corridor leading to a series of chambers. This design reflects the traditional layout of pharaonic tombs in the Valley of the Kings.

3. Decorations and Inscriptions:
The tomb features richly decorated walls with inscriptions and reliefs that depict scenes from the pharaoh’s life, including his military victories, religious rituals, and interactions with the gods. These inscriptions are meant to guide Ramses II in the afterlife.

4. Sarcophagus:
The innermost chamber of the tomb houses Ramses II’s sarcophagus, where his mummy was laid to rest. The sarcophagus was typically made of stone, symbolizing the eternal nature of the pharaoh’s soul.

5. Burial Treasures:
Like many pharaohs, Ramses II was buried with a wealth of funerary treasures, including jewelry, pottery, and other items believed to be useful in the afterlife.

6. Continuing Worship:
Ramses II was deified during his lifetime, and his tomb served as a place of continued worship by his descendants and devotees. Many tombs of later pharaohs contained references to and references from Ramses II, underlining his lasting influence.

7. Royal Mortuary Temples:
Near Ramses II’s tomb, on the west bank of the Nile, there were associated mortuary temples, such as the Ramesseum, where offerings and rituals were performed to honor the pharaoh’s spirit.

Ramses II’s funerary practices were in keeping with the rich tradition of ancient Egyptian beliefs regarding the afterlife. His tomb and the associated temples were constructed with care to ensure his continued existence in the world of the gods. While many tombs were looted over the centuries, the legacy of Ramses II and his contribution to Egyptian religious and funerary practices remain a significant part of the country’s cultural heritage.

Rediscovery and Pop Culture

Ramses II’s mummy, like his legacy, experienced an intriguing journey through history. His rediscovery in the 19th century and his continued influence on modern culture are noteworthy:

Rediscovery in the 19th Century: Ramses II’s mummy was rediscovered in 1881 during an era of heightened interest in Egyptology. The mummy was found in a secret cache at Deir el-Bahri, near Luxor, by French Egyptologist Gaston Maspero. It had been moved there in antiquity to protect it from tomb robbers.

The rediscovery of Ramses II’s mummy was a significant event in the history of Egyptology. It allowed researchers to study the remains of one of Egypt’s greatest pharaohs and gain insights into his physical condition and life in ancient Egypt.

Modern Cultural Influence: Ramses II’s influence on modern culture remains palpable in various ways:

Literature and Film: Ramses II has been a popular subject in literature and film. Authors like Christian Jacq and Wilbur Smith have written novels featuring Ramses II. Hollywood films like “The Ten Commandments” and animated features like “The Prince of Egypt” have brought his story to a global audience.

Art and Architecture: The grand temples and statues built by Ramses II continue to be symbols of Egyptian architectural and artistic prowess. His statues and inscriptions inspire artists, and their magnificence is featured in exhibitions and art galleries worldwide.

Tourism: The temples of Abu Simbel, built by Ramses II, are major tourist attractions, drawing visitors from around the world to witness the pharaoh’s colossal statues and impressive temple complex.

Historical Significance: Ramses II’s reign and the Battle of Kadesh have been subjects of extensive historical research and documentaries, contributing to our understanding of ancient Egypt’s political and military history.

Continued Worship: In modern Egypt, there are festivals and rituals that continue to honor and celebrate the legacy of Ramses II. This illustrates his enduring presence in the cultural and religious landscape.

                                Ramses II’s mummy’s rediscovery and the enduring fascination with his life and reign demonstrate his significance and influence in modern culture. His name is synonymous with the grandeur of ancient Egypt and serves as a bridge between the past and the present, captivating the imaginations of people worldwide.

Ramses II, known as Ramses the Great, holds a place of profound significance in ancient Egypt and the annals of history. His enduring impact on both his own era and the centuries that followed is a testament to his extraordinary reign and remarkable achievements.



As one of Egypt’s longest-reigning pharaohs, Ramses II provided a sense of stability and continuity in a time of great change. He solidified Egypt’s borders, embarked on ambitious building projects, and demonstrated his prowess on the battlefield, most notably in the Battle of Kadesh. His diplomatic skills resulted in the signing of the first recorded peace treaty, emphasizing the importance of diplomacy in maintaining geopolitical stability.

Ramses II’s architectural marvels, such as the Temple of Abu Simbel, continue to awe and inspire visitors, showcasing the grandeur of his rule. His artistic and literary revival during the Ramsesian Renaissance left an indelible mark on Egyptian culture, celebrating his life and achievements.

The legacy of Ramses II extends beyond ancient Egypt. His mummy’s rediscovery in the 19th century rekindled interest in Egyptology, and his influence on modern culture remains palpable in literature, film, art, and tourism. His name is synonymous with the magnificence of pharaonic Egypt and continues to be celebrated in modern Egypt.

In sum, Ramses II is a paragon of ancient Egyptian power and prestige, leaving a lasting legacy that transcends the sands of time. His place in history is secure, and his name endures as a symbol of the grandeur and might of the pharaohs of ancient Egypt.

Thank you for your support and valuable time 🙏…

@Puja Singh…


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