mother teressa

 Mother Teresa


Mother Teresa, born Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu on August 26, 1910, in Skopje, Macedonia, emerged as a symbol of compassion and selflessness through her lifelong commitment to serving the impoverished and destitute. Her remarkable journey as a Catholic nun and missionary has garnered global recognition and admiration.

From an early age, Mother Teresa felt a calling to religious life, leading her to join the Sisters of Loreto in Ireland at 18. Taking the name Sister Mary Teresa, she was sent to India, where her transformative work would unfold. In 1950, she founded the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta, India, dedicating herself to the care of the sick and destitute.

Mother Teresa’s impact was most pronounced in Calcutta, where she and her sisters tirelessly provided assistance to those in dire need. The Missionaries of Charity, under her guidance, focused on improving the lives of the marginalized, establishing hospices, orphanages, and homes for people with disabilities. Her work was rooted in a profound sense of compassion and a commitment to the inherent dignity of every individual.

The significance of Mother Teresa’s life goes beyond the boundaries of religion and culture. Her unwavering dedication to humanity earned her the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, with the committee acknowledging her altruistic efforts in bringing help to suffering humanity. The Missionaries of Charity, the organization she founded, continues to extend her legacy globally, demonstrating the enduring impact of her compassionate vision.

Mother Teresa’s life and work serve as an inspiration to millions, emphasizing the transformative power of love and selflessness. Her canonization as Saint Teresa of Calcutta in 2016 by Pope Francis reflects the universal recognition of her holiness and the profound influence of her humanitarian endeavors. In essence, Mother Teresa’s legacy serves as a powerful reminder of the positive impact one individual can have in creating a more compassionate and caring world.

Early Life:


Mother Teresa, originally named Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, entered the world on August 26, 1910, in Skopje, which was then part of the Ottoman Empire and is now in modern-day Macedonia. Growing up in a middle-class Albanian family, young Anjezë experienced the ordinary joys and challenges of childhood against the backdrop of a region marked by cultural diversity.

Skopje, a melting pot of cultures and religions, provided the early surroundings that would shape Mother Teresa’s understanding of the world. Her birthplace, nestled in the heart of the Balkans, played a crucial role in fostering a sense of compassion and understanding for diverse communities—an attribute that would later define her humanitarian work on a global scale.

From an early age, religious influences played a significant role in shaping Mother Teresa’s worldview. Raised in a devout Catholic family, her upbringing instilled in her the values of faith, compassion, and service to others. The Catholic Church and its teachings became foundational elements in her formative years.

It was during her adolescence that Anjezë felt a compelling call to dedicate her life to serving others. This early spiritual awakening, combined with her compassionate nature, laid the groundwork for her future vocation as a nun and missionary. The seeds of selfless service were sown in the fertile ground of her religious upbringing, eventually leading her to embark on a remarkable journey of devotion and humanitarian work that would span the entirety of her life.

In these formative years in Skopje, Mother Teresa’s character was shaped by the cultural richness of her surroundings and the religious values instilled in her by her family. These early experiences would prove pivotal as she answered the call to a life of profound service, becoming a beacon of hope for the destitute and marginalized across the globe.

Missionaries of Charity:


In 1950, Mother Teresa embarked on a transformative journey by establishing the Missionaries of Charity in the bustling city of Calcutta, India. This significant step marked the formal initiation of an organization that would become synonymous with compassion and humanitarianism. The decision to found the Missionaries of Charity emerged from Mother Teresa’s profound sense of duty to address the plight of the impoverished and destitute. Calcutta, with its crowded streets and widespread poverty, served as the initial canvas on which Mother Teresa painted her vision of selfless service.

The Missionaries of Charity’s inception was not merely an organizational development but a response to the pressing needs of the marginalized. Mother Teresa, along with a dedicated group of individuals, sought to create a space where the principles of love and compassion would be translated into tangible actions to uplift the suffering. This founding moment set in motion an extraordinary legacy of humanitarian work that would extend far beyond the boundaries of Calcutta.

The Missionaries of Charity was established with a clear and noble mission—to provide “wholehearted free service to the poorest of the poor.” Mother Teresa’s vision for the organization was comprehensive, addressing the multifaceted needs of those on the fringes of society. The organization’s primary objectives included the compassionate care for the sick and dying, support for orphaned and abandoned children, and service to the destitute and homeless.

The first objective involved the establishment of hospices and medical centers where the Missionaries of Charity dedicated themselves to providing comfort and care to those facing illness and the end of their lives. Simultaneously, orphanages were set up to offer a loving home and essential support to children left without families. The organization extended its outreach to the destitute and homeless, providing shelters and meeting basic needs to restore dignity to those abandoned by society.

Crucially, the Missionaries of Charity embraced the “spirit of poverty” by taking a vow of simplicity, reflecting their commitment to identifying with the material and spiritual needs of the poor they served. In every act of kindness and expression of love, the organization embodied Mother Teresa’s philosophy that love in action has the power to transform the world.

The Missionaries of Charity’s founding was not merely a bureaucratic process; it was a response to the pressing humanitarian needs of the time. Mother Teresa, along with a small group of committed individuals, envisioned an organization that would embody the principles of love and selfless service. The establishment of the Missionaries of Charity marked the beginning of an extraordinary legacy of compassion that would extend far beyond the streets of Calcutta.

 Objectives and Goals of the Organization:

The Missionaries of Charity were established with a clear and noble mission—to provide “wholehearted free service to the poorest of the poor.” Mother Teresa’s vision for the organization was comprehensive, addressing the diverse and complex needs of society’s marginalized members. The primary objectives and goals of the Missionaries of Charity were:

  • Care for the Sick and Dying: Central to the organization’s mission was the compassionate care for those afflicted by illness and facing the end of their lives. The Missionaries of Charity set up hospices and medical facilities, where the sick received not only medical attention but also the solace of human companionship during their final moments.
  • Support for Orphans and Abandoned Children: Another significant facet of the Missionaries of Charity’s work involved the care for orphaned and abandoned children. The organization established orphanages with the aim of providing a loving home and essential support for children who had been left without families.
  • Service to the Destitute and Homeless: The Missionaries of Charity extended their outreach to the destitute and homeless, offering shelters and basic necessities to those living on the streets. This aspect of their work sought to restore dignity to individuals who had been marginalized and neglected by society.
  • Embracing the “Spirit of Poverty”: Mother Teresa and her sisters embraced a simple lifestyle, taking a vow of poverty themselves. This commitment to the “spirit of poverty” reflected their dedication to identifying with the material and spiritual needs of the poor they served.

The Missionaries of Charity, guided by Mother Teresa’s unwavering commitment, became a living embodiment of love in action. The organization’s objectives and goals transcended mere charity; they represented a holistic approach to addressing the multifaceted challenges faced by the poorest and most neglected members of society. Through their selfless service, the Missionaries of Charity left an enduring legacy of compassion and humanitarianism.

Life of Service:


Mother Teresa’s life was defined by an unwavering commitment to serving the poor and sick, particularly in the crowded and impoverished streets of Calcutta, India. From the inception of the Missionaries of Charity in 1950, Mother Teresa and her sisters engaged in hands-on, compassionate care for those facing illness and destitution. The core of their mission was to bring comfort and dignity to the lives of the most marginalized.

In the slums of Calcutta, Mother Teresa’s work was characterized by a deep sense of empathy and a willingness to embrace the suffering of others. She and her sisters established hospices and medical facilities where the sick received not only medical attention but also the solace of human companionship during their final moments. Mother Teresa herself often engaged in direct care, tending to the needs of those abandoned by society.

The impact of Mother Teresa’s mission transcended geographical boundaries as the Missionaries of Charity expanded their activities globally. What began as a humble initiative in Calcutta evolved into a worldwide network of compassion, reaching far beyond the streets of India.

The Missionaries of Charity established branches in various countries, responding to the universal call to address the needs of the poor and vulnerable. Mother Teresa’s vision of love in action became a global phenomenon as the organization extended its reach to areas affected by poverty, illness, and humanitarian crises. Orphanages, hospices, and shelters were established in different corners of the world, each reflecting the same ethos of selfless service and love that characterized the organization’s beginnings.

Mother Teresa’s personal commitment to a life of simplicity and service inspired countless individuals globally. The Missionaries of Charity became a beacon of hope, embodying the philosophy that every act of kindness, no matter how small, could make a significant difference in the lives of those in need. The expansion of the organization’s activities globally reflected a collective dedication to extending the reach of love and care to the farthest reaches of the globe.

 Mother Teresa’s life of service was marked by an intimate connection with the poor and sick, exemplifying the transformative power of compassion. The global expansion of the Missionaries of Charity underscored the enduring impact of her philosophy, demonstrating that love, when translated into action, knows no borders and has the potential to heal and uplift humanity on a global scale.

Recognition and Awards:


 A.Nobel Peace Prize in 1979:

In 1979, Mother Teresa’s extraordinary dedication to humanitarian work earned her the Nobel Peace Prize, a momentous acknowledgment of her selfless service. The Norwegian Nobel Committee awarded her the prestigious honor for her “work in bringing help to suffering humanity, which was carried out in the spirit of selflessness and sacrifice.” The Nobel Peace Prize solidified Mother Teresa’s global stature as a symbol of compassion and love in action. Her acceptance speech highlighted her unwavering commitment to serving the poor and marginalized, emphasizing the transformative power of love.

 B.Other Accolades and Honors for Her Humanitarian Efforts:

Beyond the Nobel Peace Prize, Mother Teresa received numerous accolades and honors that recognized the profound impact of her humanitarian efforts. Some notable recognitions include:

  • Bharat Ratna (India’s Highest Civilian Award): In 1980, Mother Teresa was bestowed with India’s highest civilian award, the Bharat Ratna, in acknowledgment of her exceptional contributions to the welfare of humanity. The Indian government recognized her as a true luminary and a source of inspiration for countless individuals.
  • Presidential Medal of Freedom (United States): Mother Teresa received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from the United States in 1985. This prestigious award, presented by President Ronald Reagan, underscored her global impact and the admiration she garnered from various corners of the world.
  • Honorary Citizenship in the United States: In 1996, the U.S. Congress granted Mother Teresa honorary citizenship, a rare distinction reserved for exceptional individuals. This recognition reflected the profound admiration and gratitude of the American people for her transformative work.
  • Canonization as Saint Teresa of Calcutta: While not an award in the traditional sense, Mother Teresa’s canonization as Saint Teresa of Calcutta by Pope Francis in 2016 was a significant recognition of her holiness and the spiritual dimension of her life. The canonization ceremony took place at the Vatican, with thousands in attendance to witness the official recognition of her sanctity within the Catholic Church.

These accolades and honors stand as testaments to Mother Teresa’s enduring legacy as a humanitarian icon. They not only celebrated her remarkable achievements but also acknowledged the global resonance of her message—the importance of selfless service, compassion, and love for humanity. Mother Teresa’s life remains an inspiration, and the recognition she received reflects the profound impact of her work on a global scale.

Personal Sacrifices:

Central to Mother Teresa’s life was her profound commitment to a vow of poverty and simplicity. Choosing a life of austerity, she embraced humility and modesty, personally living with the same minimal material possessions as those she served. This deliberate choice reflected her belief in solidarity with the poor and marginalized, reinforcing the authenticity of her mission. Mother Teresa’s vow of poverty was not just a symbolic gesture but a lived reality, underscoring her dedication to a life of selflessness.

Mother Teresa faced significant health challenges throughout her life, including heart problems and respiratory issues. Despite her own physical limitations, she persevered in her mission with unyielding determination. Her commitment to service remained resolute, even in the face of personal suffering. Mother Teresa’s ability to transcend her health challenges demonstrated her unwavering belief in the transformative power of sacrificial love and service to others.



Mother Teresa’s legacy transcends her lifetime, leaving an indelible mark on the global perception of charity and humanitarian work. Through her example, she challenged conventional notions of success and wealth, emphasizing the intrinsic value of compassion and service to the less fortunate. Mother Teresa’s life shifted the paradigm of philanthropy, highlighting the transformative impact of simple acts of kindness and the profound influence one individual can have in making the world a better place.

The Missionaries of Charity, the organization founded by Mother Teresa, continues to be a driving force in humanitarian efforts worldwide. The selfless service modelled by Mother Teresa is perpetuated through the organization’s ongoing work, with branches in numerous countries. The Missionaries of Charity remains a beacon of hope, providing essential services to the sick, orphaned, and destitute, sustaining Mother Teresa’s legacy and demonstrating that love in action knows no bounds.



Mother Teresa’s exceptional life and work were officially recognized by the Catholic Church with her beatification in 2003. Beatification is a significant step in the process of canonization, signifying acknowledgment of her exemplary holiness and virtuous life. The beatification ceremony, held in Rome, brought global attention to her spiritual legacy and the impact of her humanitarian efforts.

Pope Francis canonized Mother Teresa as Saint Teresa of Calcutta in 2016, affirming her place in the Catholic Church’s canon of saints. This momentous occasion elevated her to a position of spiritual reverence, recognizing her not only for her humanitarian work but also for her profound faith and devotion. Mother Teresa’s canonization serves as an inspiration for those who view her as a spiritual guide and model of Christian virtue, extending her influence into the realm of faith and devotion.

 Mother Teresa’s personal sacrifices, enduring legacy, and canonization collectively underscore the profound impact of her life—a life marked by humility, compassion, and an unwavering commitment to the service of others. Her story continues to inspire generations, shaping perspectives on charity, humanitarian work, and the transformative power of love.

Mother Teresa’s life remains an enduring testament to the transformative power of love, compassion, and selfless service. Born in humble circumstances, she dedicated herself to a life of profound simplicity and unwavering commitment to the most vulnerable in society. Through the establishment of the Missionaries of Charity, Mother Teresa’s impact expanded globally, providing essential care and support to those in desperate need. Her legacy is etched in the hearts of countless individuals who have been inspired by her example, and her canonization as Saint Teresa of Calcutta solidifies her place in the annals of spiritual and humanitarian history.

Mother Teresa’s life offers a wealth of lessons and inspiration for people from all walks of life. Her vow of poverty and simplicity serves as a powerful reminder that true wealth lies in compassion and the ability to make a difference in the lives of others. Mother Teresa’s perseverance through health challenges demonstrates the strength that can be found in a resolute commitment to a noble cause, even in the face of personal adversity.

The global impact of Mother Teresa’s work challenges prevailing notions of success, emphasizing the enduring value of kindness and service. Her legacy prompts reflection on the profound impact that individuals can have when guided by a genuine desire to alleviate suffering and bring love to the forefront of their actions. The Missionaries of Charity’s ongoing work exemplifies the ripple effect of one person’s vision, echoing Mother Teresa’s belief that small acts of love can collectively transform the world.

Thank you for your time and consideration 🙏❤️…..

@Puja Singh….


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