Pitru Paksha



Pitra Paksha, also known as Pitru Paksha or Mahalaya Paksha, Sorah Shraddha  is a 16-day period in the Hindu lunar calendar dedicated to paying homage to one’s ancestors or pitras. It typically falls in the Hindu month of Bhadrapada (usually in September) and concludes with the observance of Mahalaya Amavasya. During this period, it is believed that the spirits of deceased ancestors visit the Earth, and rituals and offerings are performed by their descendants to seek blessings and peace for their souls. It is a time for expressing gratitude and seeking forgiveness for any past actions that might have offended one’s ancestors. Various ceremonies, including Tarpana (offering of water), are performed during Pitra Paksha.Pitru paksh 2023 will start on September29,2023,and end of october14 2023.it is considerd an ausipicious time to perform rituals likes Pitru Tarapan, Pind Dan, Shraddh.


Pitru Paksha, also known as Mahalaya Paksha, is a sacred period observed in Hinduism to pay homage to one’s ancestors or pitrus. This fortnight-long ritual, steeped in tradition and spiritual significance, holds a special place in the hearts of millions of Hindus around the world. In this article, we will delve into the essence of Pitru Paksha, its customs, beliefs, and the importance it holds in Hindu culture.


The Significance of Pitru Paksha

Pitru Paksha falls during the waning phase of the moon in the Hindu month of Bhadrapada, usually in September or October. It is believed to be a time when the gates of the ancestral realm open, allowing the souls of the departed to temporarily visit the earthly plane. During this period, Hindus perform various rituals and ceremonies to honor their forefathers and seek their blessings.

Tarpan: The central ritual of Pitru Paksha is Tarpan, a ceremony where offerings of water, rice, sesame seeds, and other food items are made to the deceased ancestors. This act is considered essential to appease the souls and release them from any lingering attachments to the physical world.

Shradh: Another integral part of Pitru Paksha is the Shradh ceremony. Families often gather to offer prayers, perform pind daan (offering rice balls symbolizing the deceased), and express gratitude to their ancestors. It is believed that by doing so, the souls of the ancestors find solace and liberation.

Feeding the Poor: Many Hindus also engage in charitable activities during Pitru Paksha, such as feeding the poor and donating to those in need. This is seen as a way to earn merit and share the blessings with one’s ancestors.

Fasting and Austerity: Some individuals observe fasting or practice various forms of austerity during this fortnight as a mark of respect and penance for any shortcomings in their duties toward their ancestors.


The Beliefs Surrounding Pitru Paksha

Pitru Paksha is deeply rooted in Hindu beliefs about the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. It is believed that the souls of the departed ancestors continue to influence the lives of their descendants. By performing the prescribed rituals during this period, Hindus seek to ensure the well-being of their ancestors in the afterlife and seek their guidance and blessings in return.

It is also believed that if the ancestral spirits are not properly appeased during Pitru Paksha, they may cause disturbances or bring misfortune to the living family members. Thus, observing these customs is seen as a way to maintain harmony between the living and the departed.


Pitru Paksha serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of familial bonds and the enduring connection between the living and the deceased in Hindu culture. It is a time of reflection, remembrance, and reverence for one’s ancestors. Through the rituals and ceremonies performed during this fortnight, Hindus not only seek to honor their forefathers but also strengthen their spiritual connection to their roots.

In a world that often moves at a relentless pace, Pitru Paksha stands as a timeless tradition that encourages individuals to pause, remember, and express gratitude to those who came before them. It is a beautiful testament to the rich tapestry of customs and beliefs that make Hinduism a vibrant and enduring faith.

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@Puja singh…


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